Friday, September 5, 2014

Science Studies Weekly Homework

Okay families, beginning tonight, kiddos will be given their copy of Science Studies Weekly. They will be responsible for reading their newspaper by the following Friday. There are 3 parts they will need to complete each week:
  1. Read the entire newspaper
  2. Complete the puzzle on the back page
  3. Take the quiz online
They do not need to wait until Friday to turn it in -- once completed, please return to school! They can use the reading done for the newspaper for TWO of their reading logs each week.

To take the quiz online, we will go over this process step-by-step in class, but you can use this page as a reference at home as well! If students finish their morning routine early, they are more than welcome to use my computers at school. However, some may need to take these at home / prefer to take them at home. Whichever they choose (and it may vary week to week, quizzes need to be completed by the following Friday morning - one week to do this!)

How to do this:

1. Go to 

2. Log in
  • username: ocsfirstnamelastname (no spaces, no capital letters!) (same as most of their edmodo accounts!)
  • For example my username would be: ocscourtneycurran
  • password: husky77 (no spaces, no capital letters!)

3.  Once you are in, you can listen to the articles being read aloud to you (so neat!) while you follow along! If you want, you can listen to every article in the paper, or you can read yourself, or you can do a variety of both. Whatever works for you!

4. Once you have read the article, it's time to take the quiz. You have one week to take the quiz (by the following Friday morning, all quizzes must be submitted). Once you submit, you cannot make any changes.

5. Bonus: Gain points to decorate your rat cage!

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