Friday, September 5, 2014

Mad Minutes

Dear Families,
We have now begun Mad Minutes! Please check your child’s Wednesday Folder to see which level they are currently on. In order to pass, they can only miss two or three problems. If they have a smiley face on their mad minute, they passed and will be on the next level.  Whichever level they are currently on, those are the facts they should be practicing nightly as part of their math facts homework.

It is critical that your child practice nightly. We will begin more challenging math this year that involves multiple steps. If your child is struggling to find the solution to the basic facts, then the multi-step math problems will be even more challenging.

Below is the sequence of Mad Minutes. If your child passes a level, please use the list below to see which facts they should begin practicing next!

Thank you for your support and help in your child’s education!

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