Monday, June 1, 2015

End of the Year Activities

Thursday, June 4th: Geology Rocks
·         School performance at 1:00 PM – your child should bring their costume to school. We will change into them after lunch.
·         Parent / evening performance at 7:00 PM. Your child should arrive, in costume, by 6:45. We have hats that complete their costume that will take time putting on each child. Please have them here on time!

Friday, June 5th: 4th Grade Fun Day
·         What it is: Kickball tournament / 4th grade picnic
·         Your child should wear any shade of orange to school so our kickball team stands out!
·         We will be outside for most of the day (if the weather cooperates with us), so you may want to send your child to school wearing sunscreen, wearing a hat, wearing sunglasses, etc.

Tuesday, June 9th: Field Trip to the Science Center
·         Wear a Harmony shirt (if you don’t own one, this could be the Hustle shirt or Shark week shirt too)
·         Bring a sack lunch! We won’t be taking any part of our lunches back to school – so everything packed should be able to be thrown away

Thursday, June 11th: Mrs. Curran’s End of the Year Celebration
·         PARENTS INVITED!! 11:30 – 12:30
·         What it is: slide show from 11:30 – 12:00 and picnic lunch (weather permitting) immediately afterwards

Friday, June 12th: Last day of school / Jumpies in the Gym
·         Your child must wear (or bring) socks in order to participate!

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