Thursday, December 11, 2014

Is It Fair?

This week in math, we were given a challenge! A class was divided into 4 groups on a field trip. Group one had 4 people sharing 3 sub sandwiches equally. Group 2 had 5 people equally sharing 4 subs. Group 3 had 8 people equally sharing subs. Finally, group 4 had 5 people equally sharing subs. We had to determine, was this fair?

After debating, drawing pictures to prove our thinking, and supporting our opinions with math, we made posters to represent our thinking. Our class took a gallery walk to observe our own posters. We then took a gallery walk through Mrs. Cadima's room to see if her class had similar thoughts to our thoughts. It was interesting for us all to see the different ways we solved this problem. While we may have solved it in different ways, in the end we all agreed that this definitely was not a fair distribution.

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