Thursday, June 11, 2015

Fourth Grade

At today's celebration, kiddos summed up the year by coming up with one word for each letter in "Fourth Grade." Here is what they presented for each other and the parents.

F is for field trips

O is for obstacles

U is for understanding

R is for recess

T is for Twinkle

H is for Harmony Heroes

G is for Geology Rocks

R is for read aloud
A is for art

D is for dissecting sharks
 E is for each other

Monday, June 1, 2015

End of the Year Activities

Thursday, June 4th: Geology Rocks
·         School performance at 1:00 PM – your child should bring their costume to school. We will change into them after lunch.
·         Parent / evening performance at 7:00 PM. Your child should arrive, in costume, by 6:45. We have hats that complete their costume that will take time putting on each child. Please have them here on time!

Friday, June 5th: 4th Grade Fun Day
·         What it is: Kickball tournament / 4th grade picnic
·         Your child should wear any shade of orange to school so our kickball team stands out!
·         We will be outside for most of the day (if the weather cooperates with us), so you may want to send your child to school wearing sunscreen, wearing a hat, wearing sunglasses, etc.

Tuesday, June 9th: Field Trip to the Science Center
·         Wear a Harmony shirt (if you don’t own one, this could be the Hustle shirt or Shark week shirt too)
·         Bring a sack lunch! We won’t be taking any part of our lunches back to school – so everything packed should be able to be thrown away

Thursday, June 11th: Mrs. Curran’s End of the Year Celebration
·         PARENTS INVITED!! 11:30 – 12:30
·         What it is: slide show from 11:30 – 12:00 and picnic lunch (weather permitting) immediately afterwards

Friday, June 12th: Last day of school / Jumpies in the Gym
·         Your child must wear (or bring) socks in order to participate!