Sunday, November 23, 2014

Field Trip Fun

Friday was our first field trip. We went to see our very own Ella perform in The King and I. It was so neat to watch her on stage and cheer her on. Here are a few pictures from the day:


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Harmony Auction Items


Elf Party 

with Mrs. Cadima, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. Hoagland and Ms. Howard!


Please send in money in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher name, and auction event.

Grab your coziest pajamas and pillow and join the fourth grade teachers in a winter wonderland!  We’ll cozy up by the fire as we decorate sugar cookies and eat popcorn and laugh hysterically as we watch Elf.

All grade levels are welcome – the more, the merrier!  Sign up below for just $20 per child and join us on Friday, December 5th  2:20pm-4:30pm.  All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.    Everyone’s a happy elf!

Tech Time

with Mrs. Cadima, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. Hoagland and Ms. Howard!


Please send in money in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher name, and auction event.


Calling all techies!  The fourth grade teachers are creating a day just for you.  It will be filled with techie activities for you and your friends like Wii competitions, Minecraft, ipad apps and more! You won’t want to miss this event!

Sign up for just $20 per child and join us on Friday, January 16th from 2:20pm-3:30pm.  All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.  Everyone’s a winner!

Disney Day

with Mrs. Cadima, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. Hoagland and Ms. Howard!


Please send in money in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher name, and auction event.

Calling all Disney fanatics!  The fourth grade teachers are throwing a bash just for you.  It will be two hours of Disney fun!  Wear your Disney pajamas and bring your most adorable Disney stuffed animal or toy and cozy up as we watch a movie and play Disney Scene-It. Popcorn will be provided.   You won’t want to miss all the enchanting fun!

 The more Disney lovers, the better!  All grade levels are welcome.  Sign up for just $20 per child and join us on Friday, February 20th from 2:20pm-4:30pm.  All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.  Everyone’s a winner!
Sports Spectacular

with Mrs. Cadima, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. Hoagland and Ms. Howard!

Please send in money in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher name, and auction event.

 Calling all athletes!  The fourth grade teachers are creating a competition just for you.  It will be filled with sporty activities like kickball, flag football and/or Steal the Bacon!  Which 4th grade class will take home the title of CHAMPION? You won’t want to miss this competition!

 Sign up for just $20 per child and join us on Friday, March 13th from 2:20pm-4:00pm.  All donations will go directly to classroom budgets.  Everyone’s a winner!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Science Weekly: Wk 7

Word Bank for this week's homework:
(yes, I listed the word "field" will use this word twice!)